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Veröffentlicht 08.11.2006, 23:48 - 000 - in "Takraf 50" - [1030]
I am looking for data on lifting capacities for this rather odd crane. I am also interested in the origin of the Takraf company.

regards/ Magnus

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Veröffentlicht 09.11.2006, 09:42 - 001 - in "Takraf 50" - [1031]
Hi Magnus,

Infos about the origin of Takraf you'll find in Wikipedia: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/TAKRAF
Takraf was founded as a combine for surface mining and cranes in the former german democratic republic. It was situated in Leipzig. One part of it was the VEB Schwermaschinenbau S.M. Kirow Leipzig who are nowadays world market leader for railcranes.

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Veröffentlicht 20.11.2006, 16:35 - 002 - in "Takraf 50" - [1045]
Hi Magnus,

I found this crane for sale on this page: http://www.hollandcranes.com/cranes/18/takraf_50t_opbouwer,_op_banden_8x8x8.html

Maybe they have more infos about the crane.

Carsten Thevessen

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Veröffentlicht 20.11.2006, 19:43 - 003 - in "Takraf 50" - [1046]
Thank you very much Carsten!


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Veröffentlicht 02.06.2008, 18:24 - 004 - in "Takraf 50" - [3012]
I am lifting this thread again; maybe som new member have come up with knowledge of the capacities of this old cane. i belive the correct denomination is Takraf MDK 504.

King regards/


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